The little boy with no name
We want a happy ending to this story. We found him quite by accident. Visiting a rural village, we were drawn to this child, half-hidden, lying under a pile of rags. He couldn’t sit up, or stand, he simply lay there, immobile, his eyes following every movement of those around him. He was thin, dirty and when we asked it took fifteen minutes for someone to find out his name and his story. We knew we were his best chance of survival. Today, Fabian’s story starts with us.
Fabian’s Physio
It’s going to be a long road for Fabian to have some independence. This is the doctor showing how to put him into the leg splints. He will need to be bandaged into these splints three times each day. Hopefully, as his leg bones grow, there will be some improvement in his agility and strength.
50 år: muligheter og mirakler
Hver innsamlet krone går til trening med logoped og fysioterapeut, assistent og nødvendig utstyr for Fabians støtte og utvikling